- Eat Well. You’ll feel better physically and mentally and have more energy to work towards your goals! Ok, when your twenty something you may be able to function on cup-o-soup and no sleep. That doesn’t mean that’s ok. But, for the rest of us, we need to keep our engine running with healthy nutritious foods whenever possible. Check my website for low priced healthy foods recipes and ideas.
- Goal for it! Do something. Plan, research, network, arts crafts, let people know what your are about, and move forward. The universe will continue to meet you where you are at. Even if you’re not sure what your plan is, as you move forward it will begin to take shape. Maybe gradually, but have patience, it’ll happen!
- Get plenty of sleep. It helps you feel better, think more clearly, and of course wake up earlier to get more done.
- Keep fit. Okay, I had to put this in here. Exercising makes you feel better, and when you feel better, you can be more creative and effective.
- Don’t compare. Friendly competition is great, but you are a unique individual. Your best will always come across better trying to mimic someone else’s best.
- Believe in yourself – so someone else can too. Successful people aren’t always known for being the smartest, and, or most attractive, or born into money. They had a passion, and, or an idea and believed in themselves!
- Pat yourself on the back. Be your own best cheerleader! Focus on what you have done so far and don’t get discouraged. Many successful people experienced rejection multiple times but continued to move forward.
- Surround yourself with positive people who encourage you, and whom have accomplished. You can glean off of their knowledge, and success!
- Be open to help from others, but remember, this is your project.
- Have fun in the process! Having fun is a stress relieve. It helps you to re-energize, and refocus, and remember not to take everything so seriously. That way you can be more creative, and most importantly ENJOY THE JOURNEY!!!!